Cindy Winick wakes up every morning with gratitude.  Classes at the Canton Museum of Art’s School of Art are a big part of the reason why.  They have helped her close the gap between the two sides of her life.  On  the one side she’s an art enthusiast who remembers touring museums with her father and listening to the stories he told.  He imported oil paintings from Europe and sold them to furniture stores, so art was all around her.


Her other side has the mind of a scientist.  After college she put this analytical side to work helping her husband build a successful dental practice.  But business can be all-consuming and Cindy had to learn she can’t control everything.  Through art she learned great things happen when you open the door to new ideas.


Over the years Cindy has lost count of the number of classes she has taken at CMA.  She loves the workshops most of all because they’re fun, task-oriented and she gets to meet interesting people.  She has relaxed at Health & Healing classes, had a ball at the Whiskey-Painters class, enjoyed painting, ceramics and more.  She has met interesting artists and made new friends.

One class she took in 2020 had her painting with her non-dominant hand.  No one cared about the results because it was fun.  A great way to get out of her normal groove and get unstuck.  And, as Cindy Winick will tell you, unstuck people are the happiest people.  No wonder she wakes up feeling grateful every morning.
